第(2/3)页 传奇永不湮灭, when the world is calling you, 这个世界需要你, can you hear them screaming out your name? 你是否能闻世人皆唤你名, legends never die, 传奇永不湮灭, they become a part of you, 镌刻传奇于己, every time you bleed for reaching greatness, 浴血谱曲争锋, relentless you survive, 披星执剑求生, they never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near, 在一切毫无希望与临近的战斗中不失去希望, it's deep in their bones, they'll run into smoke when the fire is fierce, 烈火狷狂侵衣余烬终将退散, oh, pick yourself up,'cause, 整装待发为了自己而战…… “哥哥!你若冲杀疆场,我必候于身旁!”路鸣泽严肃的声音响起。 “所以,我为你配上了前世的热血bgm。冲吧哥哥!突破桎梏,突破自己!” “谢了,真是绝佳的bgm啊,英雄永不泯灭,我的兄弟作为英雄,怎能孤军奋战,我必携剑以往啊!” “怎么可能这么快暴露?”王将突然有些心慌,情况好像不对劲。 “既然宫本一心用不上了,为了避免麻烦,杀了他吧”王将的声音透着森冷与血腥。 第(2/3)页